Player Interaction

The gods of Agon thrive on war; every enemy that dies by your hand is a prayer for their ears. The mortal denizens however have more earthly concerns (often as a direct result of your constant warring with every other creature that crosses your path). To that end they will quite often require your help, and in turn offer you knowledge and loot.

Should you choose to accept these quests you may find the rewards quite substantial. The first steps you take along the questing path will lead you to greater knowledge of your skills and abilities. But past these you can find NPC's who require you to travel far and deep into the bowels of the earth, slaying powerful godlike beings and uncovering the very secrets that hold Agon in a state of perpetual strife!

Many NPC's hold various quests, walk up to them and press your . This will bring up the dialogue screen and if they have a quest for you there will be a quest tab. Your quest progress is available in your quest log. You can also access your quest log straight from the website without being logged into Darkfall. Your map can also provide help in relation to where to go to find what a particular quest requires (and then kill it).

Strength in numbers is a phrase never so true (and cliche) as when applied to a world where thousands of other players and monsters would love nothing better than to make you very very dead, very very hard.

Creating a group to adventure through the world of Agon with will provide countless benefits. Whether you fancy a quick raid into enemy territory, treasure hunting or questing, a group will make things much easier and indeed fun. Horrid beasties with nasty teeth are always easier to face when you know someone has your back.
To create a group, first type in the command /partycreate. Once this is done simply target the players you wish to invite and hit . Then select the invite option from the drop down menu that will appear. You may also type /invite "first name" "last name".

Chatting and many elements in Darkfall currently use a textual command-prompt system. Almost all commands can have a text based component and you can scroll through the entire list using TAB while in the writing tab on the chat window. If you want to scroll through a specific list of commands simply type the first letters or word of that sub-category and hit TAB. For example typing /emote and then tapping on TAB will scroll through all the available in-game emotes.

To whisper to a player simply type /tell followed by their character's full name. This will open up a new chat tab if the player is online where you can chat privately without the need for further chat commands.

The default chat tabs are Public, Race and Race-Alliance, and Trade. Writing in any of these will broadcast your message to all the players currently also on those channels. Bear in mind public messages are broadcast only to players in your immediate vicinity.

The chat interface is also customizable. Tabs can be pulled out, re-sized and dragged to any part of your game screen.

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