You may be used to this coming as second nature to you in the cozy comfort of the real world. This is no longer the case.
Welcome to Agon, Agon is different...
Here your survival is probably one of the most challenging, and rewarding, aspects of life. Simply living for one more day may seem fairly simple in the real world, but in Agon it is quite a feat! Once you have mastered this valuable and elusive art the world will be your oyster! (Or whatever mollusk you may happen to prefer).
- Bank often. When you die, your corpse can be looted of everything it carries. Items in your bank, however, are safe. Until you are confident of your battle prowess make sure you don't spend a lot of time carrying more than you really need to.
- Fight smart. Tactics and strategy can be valuable allies. While it is tempting to defeat the entire horde of goblins without resting in between, this will leave you vulnerable to that enterprising player hiding behind that tree with his fireball aimed at your face... Rest often; try to keep your health and stamina above half when you can.
- When you do rest, try to use cover. Rocks, bushes, trees; these can all make you harder to spot.
- Be wary of everyone... a healthy dose of paranoia will lead to a longer life expectancy. Even players marked blue may not necessarily have friendly intentions. Choose your friends wisely.
- Safety in numbers; wise words to remember. Finding a good clan can drastically change your game experience. Apart from the usual plethora of advantages you will quickly find that there are few things in life as exhilarating as rushing into battle with hundreds of friendly swords and magic at your back.
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